Dr. Asha Rani Choudhury (May 2024 -)
Institute post-doctoral fellow
Ph. D. (2018-2024), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
M.Sc. Chemistry, Berhampur University (2015-2017)
Email: ashachoudhury95@gmail.com
Research Topic: Simulations of stapled peptide-protein interactions
Current group members

Dr. Rajiblochan Sahoo (April 2024 -)
Institute post-doctoral fellow
Ph. D. (2018-2024), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
M. Sc. ISM IIT Dhanbad (2015-2017)
Email: rajiblochansahoo413@gmail.com
Research Topic: Dynamics of active agents in crowded and confined environments
Dr. Piyali Mukherjee (October 2023 -)
Institute post-doctoral fellow
Ph. D. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER Kolkata)
Email: piyalijuchem2009@gmail.com
Research Topic: Peptide aggregation

Dr. Pushyaraga P V (February 2025 -)
Institute post-doctoral fellow
Ph. D. National Institute of Technology Surathkal
Email: pushya1970@gmail.com
Research Topic: Computational study of condensed phase dynamics

Ramanand Singh Yadav (2020 -)
Ph. D. scholar (SRF), Institute Fellow
M. Sc. Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University (2017-2019)
Email: yadavramanand550@gmail.com
Research Topic: Active Polymer Dynamics in Crowded media and in dense phase

Pooja Nanavare (2021 -)
Ph. D. scholar (SRF), UGC Fellow
M. Sc. Chemistry, University of Mumbai
Email: 96pooja9feb@gmail.com
Research Topic: Small molecule-protein interaction; macromolecular dynamics

Rupesh Kumar (2021 -)
Ph. D. scholar (SRF), Prime Minister's Research Fellow
M. Tech, IIT Guwahati and Gifu University, Japan
CRNTS, Guide: Rochish Thaokar
Co-Guide: Rajarshi Chakrabarti
Email: rupeshkumar15rs@gmail.com
Research Topic: Electrohydrodynamics

Subharthi Das (2024 -)
Ph. D. scholar (JRF), Institute Fellow
M. Sc. Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology
Email: titan.apd@gmail.com
Research Topic: Dense active polymers

Arvind (2022 -)
Ph. D. scholar (JRF), Institute Fellow
M. Sc. Chemistry, IIT Jodhpur (2018-2020)
B. Sc Kurukshetra University (2015-2018)
Email: 214030021@iitb.ac.in
Research Topic: Physics of Chromatin and Activity driven dynamics

Rohit Gurjar (2024 -)
M. Sc. second year
B. Sc. Hansraj College, Delhi University (2021-2023)
Email: 23n0134@iitb.ac.in
Research Topic: Peptide aggregation

Vikram Gaikwad (2022 -)
Ph. D. scholar (JRF), Prime Minister's Research Fellow
M. Sc. Chemistry, University of Pune
Email: vikramgaikwad821@gmail.com
Research Topic: Stapled peptide-protein
The Group (January 2024)
The group (January 2024)